Top Razer Mobile Phones below ₹35,000

The Following list of Top Razer Mobile Phones below ₹35,000 contains 1 models .You can check some popular mobile phones like Razer Edge 5G here. Best Price of every model is listed in description. You can further explore a product by clicking on it and read its full specifications along with best prices for that product in India. Lets have a look:

Razer Edge 5G
1. Razer Edge 5G

On October 15, 2022, Razer launched Razer Edge 5G. This model comes at a price of Rs. 32990. The processor in this model is Qualcomm G3x Gen 1 and this model has 8 GB RAM with 128 GB Internal Memory. This mobile comes with 4G & 3G connectivity. This mobile runs on Android 12.

✓ The highlight of this model is 6.8 inches Display Size which is great in this price range.

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Top Razer Mobile Phones below ₹35,000 in India

Top Razer Mobile Phones below ₹35,000 in India
S NoNamePrice
1Razer Edge 5G₹32990