HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop vs HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop

Quick Comparison

NameHP 14s-fq0568AU LaptopHP 15s-eq2144au Laptop
Display14 in15.6 in
ProcessorAMD Athlon AMD Ryzen 5
Graphics CardAMD Radeon AMDAMD Radeon Graphics
PriceRs. 26300Rs. 37650

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Detailed Comparison

Price And Launch

The cost of HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop is Rs. 26300. The cost of HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop is Rs. 37650.

Display comparison

HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop features larger screen size of 15.6 in inches in comparison to HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop's 14 in inch screen. HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop has HD, micro-edge Screen type whereas HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop has LED Screen type. HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop has display density of 141 PPI & HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop has only 112 PPI display density

Memory comparison

Both Laptops have 8 GB RAM.

Processor Comparison

First Laptop has AMD Athlon processor whereas second laptop has AMD Ryzen 5 . HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop has CPU Clock Speed of which falls short to HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop's clock speed. HP 14s-fq0568AU Laptop has CPU Cache of 4 MB which falls short to HP 15s-eq2144au Laptop's 8 MB cache.

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Full Comparison

NameHP 14s-fq0568AU LaptopHP 15s-eq2144au Laptop
Model14s-fq0568AUEQ2144AU, Laptop 15s-eq2144AU
UtilityPerformanceEveryday Use
Device TypeUltrabookNetbook
OSWindows 11 Home (64-bit)Windows 11 Home (64-bit)
Dimensions325 x 216 x 17 mm358.5 x 242 x 17.9 mm
Weight1.41 kg1.69 kg
Warranty1 year Warranty1 year Warranty
TypeHD, micro-edgeLED
Size14 inches15.6 inches
Resolution1366 x 768 pixels1920 x 1080 pixels
PPI~ 112 PPI~ 141 PPI
Anti Glare ScreenYesYes
FeaturesBrightView, Brightness: 220 nits, 112 ppi, Color Gamut: 45%NTSCMicro-Edge, 250 nits, 45% NTSC
WiFiRealtek RTL8822CE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2x2)Realtek RTL8821CE-M 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (1x1)
USB Ports1 x USB Type-C, 2 x USB 2.01 x USB Type-C, 2 x USB 3.0
USB Port Details1 x SuperSpeed USB Type-C 5Gbps Signaling Rate, 2 x SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps Signaling Rate
HDMI1 x HDMI 1.4b Port1 x HDMI v1.4b Port
Card Reader1 Multi-Format SD Media Card Reader
Microphone InYesYes
Headphone JackYes
KeyboardFull-size, Jet Black keyboard with numeric keypadFull-size, Natural Silver Keyboard with Numeric Keypad
Keyboard BacklitYes
Inbuilt MicrophoneBuilt-in Dual Array Digital MicrophonesBuilt-in Dual Array Digital Microphones
SpeakersBuilt-in Dual SpeakersBuilt-in Dual Speakers
Optical DriveNoNo
Processor3rd Gen AMD Athlon 3050U5th Gen AMD Ryzen 5 5500U
Speed2 x 2.3 GHz (Turbo Speed upto 3.2 GHz) Cores6 x 2.1 GHz (Turbo Speed upto 4 GHz) Cores
CoresDual Core, 2 ThreadsHexa Core, 12 Threads
Cache4 MB8 MB
SeriesAthlon Ryzen 5
Generation3rd Gen5th Gen
ChipsetAMD Integrated SoC
GPUAMD Radeon AMDAMD Radeon Graphics
RAM Bus Speed3200 MHz
Solid State Drive256 GB SSD512 GB SSD
SSD InterfaceNVMe
Battery3 Cell Battery41 Wh, 3 Cell Battery
Adapter Type65 W Smart AC power adapter
Battery BackupUpto 9 hours
Battery Details41 Wh Li-ion
Included SoftwareMcAfee LiveSafe
Sales PackageLaptop, Power Adaptor, User Guide, Warranty DocumentsLAPTOP, ADAPTER, POWER CORD, USER MAUAL
Other FeaturesMU-MIMO supported, Miracast compatible

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